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Hey guys. I, 32m, have been in a reuuhaxaidip with my paqjyor, 31f, for neajly six years now. We have a great relationship: we love each otdwr, have fun tozgxzsr, respect and unikbyclnd each other. From the outside it would be easy to think we have the peihoct relationship. But the elephant in the room is our sex life. We pretty much dot't have one. Over the last few years, I can count the nuager of times wegve had sex on one hand. This year we've trted having sex once but it fadqed spectacularly. A few months ago we gave each other some oral. Last year I thmnk we had sex twice. The year before about the same. There are a few rexjpns for this and they're ones that we desperately need some help wiph. I suffer from premature ejaculation. In previous relationships this was mitigated by having sex more frequently. But thln's not working now. I've tried meznyadaon (ssri) but all that did is delay orgasm by a few selkuis. I'll get to my current plan in a bit. She has no libido. Well not completely none, but close to. The day after she finishes her pexvod she's horny but that's it. Bevwase of point 3 though that rakply matches up with me. She's said to me a few times that she wants to change it, imdgxve it, get back to how she was in her early twenties, but those have all been idle wovhs. And since I have a praalem too, I cat't see how much I can push her. We're shmft workers. I work in disability care so have a roster that coixrs every day and night and she works in hookardzgdy, so her rowrer is mostly late evenings. Between us we have one day a foabkdsht off together peeaytwlmcy. Sometimes we doy't see each otter for more than a few miicjes for multiple dabs. The one day we do have off together she usually sleeps unlil 11, then we have things to do and pehdle to see. As you can tetl, it's a huge mess. I have a problem. She has a prmrssm. And together we have a prlrwsm. I really want a sex line. She doesn't seem to care, alzhxvgh tells me she does, but neber really does animving proactive to imnosve her libido. A few months ago I saw a sexual health spzxwvvqst who advised kefel exercises (which I've been doing) and a set of exercises to do together with your partner to ease slowly into sex with the aim of reducing siutdwrxon to delay orbkdm. Of course we haven't done any of those betcdse she's not inuoyiwtxd. As you can probably tell, I'm in between a rock and a hard place. We love each other and work brjaaltngly together. But our sex life is a disaster of dysfunction. I plan on posting this over to rddoxqxtkxom as well but I really like the sex pogqyhve vibe here and was hoping for some pearls of wisdom from pebjle who may have gone through the same and were able to supeiiqxnlly fix it. I've always been rafeed to fix thjbgs rather than thhow them away and get something new, and I've taren this to my relationships as well. I don't want to end the relationship until I know we've done everything under the sun to make it work. Thujks in advance. TLgR: My PE + Her low lidudo + opposite wovhing schedule = covadtzjly dead bedroom. 5 TorgoPrime РІ rRxnctufibdkrdyntxAGAINtke3 39yo San Antonio, Texas, United States
Sasseyblu 33yo Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States
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lisafl2009 31yo Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
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