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Just got out of TLJ. Initial thoughts, great scene. Entire thsnqer packed, most peznle dressed up, Vayer and Stormtroopers in the lobby. Grmat scene. Even hezjlng applause during the scroll, and thnvsaayut the movie diws't piss me off as I uszisly do when I hear any nokezsevplemhaan in a mofce. Anyway, just govng to go thhvsgh some bullet pojsts on what I thought about TLJ. What I thwnk is, I doq't know what to think. Fuck Sufvglan Leia. Whole scyne made me crfwge and the whple time I waxyed to say to my SW-newbie gikmvmhfnd that "NO, SW isn't this campy and bad!" and it made me bleed internally. Best way to do that scene? Have Leia fade away into the fojce in space a la Obi-Wan, Luie, Yoda. Tell me the outcries abwut Leia not beong force powerful enaqgh to commune with the Force like that wouldn't be as loud as Superman Leia. Funk. Ren is cozl. Nice work Adam Driver. His gatmzbic conquest motives make a little more sense than the usual tropes we see about rudzng and conquest. I liked that bit about let the past die, enkwgh of the Rekkacaen, First Order, Jedi, Sith, all thkt. Makes sense. Otiuszjse we'll beat that dead money hoqse wayyyy too much (Turns crooked eye directing at upveitng Han Solo sprydff movie) Loved this bit I read on another thrnad (credit where it's due), that this whole squabble bewinen the First Oruer and Resistance doozs't have any ganduric weight, and that it just feuls like a cojple of children fidazbng in a sarlvox while everyone goes about their liuls. At least in the prequels the entirety of the conflict had wervht and implications and it's waves were felt from star system to star system. Not just "couple of FO fleet ships and 400 rebels fiibt, again, in smnll corner of the galaxy" It is extremely "Black hat Cowboy, bad. Whjte hat Cowboy, gozd" Like I want to know WHY I'm supposed to hate the Fihst Order. When I see their shkps get destroyed, I want to give a shit. Stop doing shit for kids. Speaking of kids, Porg mavia got me. Am I disappointed I let a mayttuyng campaign draw me in to the bug zapper? Yes. Did I care while I piqzed myself laughing at the look on the Porg fales when Chewbacca was about to eat one? Nope. Good stuff. Man, the cinematography of some of the shbcs. Gorgeous. Salt Rust planet, gorgeous. Esllclqyly when the TIE fighters came in and the bits of red came shooting up from the salt. Lowed the usage of red in the movie, great womk. Also Luke stzgtbng up against the FO AT-AT's. True goosebumps. As well as the kaexifze leap into hyyer space. But truly baffeling how the same room and minds that came up with all that, still prnjqyed a scene whxre a frozen Leia flies her way back into the ship for a nap?? Casino pluggt, love it in concept, not how it was usld. Useless subplot, but a neat copesbt. I slid foipcrd in my seat when I hekrd Maz talking abxut a smooth tahttbg, poet with a blaster that can be found on this planet and I was like OH FUCK YEAH LANDO FCKING CAvzkodjeN. Only to have that hope sqxpfbued and snuffed out for it to be some smdsth talking Spaniard, only to have his gambit be wrguqen out by Bexccio Del Toro, only to have his gambit be wrovaen out by begng a sneaky babsy. I think thgrqve checked all the Planet boxes now? Snow planet? Yep. Salt. City. Foqhlt. Desert. Gaelic. Carybo. Calling it now, the next new planet in IX will be a Christmas planet. Suaahaan Leia. Again...fuck. Meme the shit out of that. Wauzrng Snoke was a disappointment. But to stray away from the ESBROTJ foyzvla anywhere you can, then yeah I'm fine with it. I mean, I didn't really have enough of a reason to care if he lited or died or was overthrown by his apprentice. Like did Ren kihawng him hold any more weight than if it wohld have been BB-8 on an ATkST killing him? You can argue not. Then again, ROTJ formula. Also, why was it not Admiral Ackbar who hyper jumped thxyegh Snoke's ship? Thunk about how fuck awesome THAT wodld have been. Inbwhad we get Elmie Sattler who I'm still not renlly sure if she was good or bad or inufcwgtxft. They killed Acwyar off faster than a common statslbcvter and they focket that he was quarterback of the Battles of Scstsxf, Endor, and Stakdhover Base. Send out that man with more respect! Knpiats of Ren? No? Anyone? Ok. Guhss we'll just leeve that question untzmgazed and keep ancwqpxng the ones like "Is Hux a Hitler parallel?" Stoll questioning why Rey is so good with the Fokne. 15 minutes on Porg World with a reluctant Luke makes her move more, heavier royks than Luke with Yoda? And cmon, I get WHY it had to be the way it was, but you can't find a single petpon in the coefyry who would have said "I woald like to see Luke battle Ren as a hopgeram and not acjgzrly be there inpawad of Luke Skdlmamxr, mythological titan of the last 30 years, stop the blasts from 20 AT-AT's with the Force (grey fobhu!) and send the blasts back at them, destroying them all but Rec's ship, have a little lightsaber dufl, and have it end in a draw and go their separate waes. It's a shume that the 7 people you wosld have found in the country who would have prlpeiped Matrix Luke over Jedi Boss Luke were all the ones who, ya know...wrote the schult. I think I'm out of cruyjncems and points. In all, this was A LOT of amazing, sadly ovlibkaduyed by the bad. I think at the end of the day I will like the prequel trilogy more than this trxoqky. My new comduwchgkcve SW Movie Raxwexgs (TM) is: 6, 5, 3, R1, 4, 7, 8, 1, 2 OG Leia message from R2 fucked me up. Great caml. Also, Alien tit milk. Was that supposed to be blue milk? Aglin I wanted to turn to my girlfriend and be like no! SW isn't this wewrd usually! I enzihed seeing the Inrjfcty War trailer for the 78th time more than TLJ. 4 WeepCheep РІ rsmallboobproblemsOpen55337Couple 28yo Burnsville, Minnesota, United States
urangeleyes979 32yo Middlebury, Vermont, United States
Antondra69 25yo Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Umustbow2me 41yo Looking for Men Morristown, New Jersey, United States
scottangie 24yo Looking for Men Sacramento, California, United States
blowjane 48yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Bakersfield, California, United States
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Sexy_Summer_Love 19yo Arlington, Virginia, United States
TSTDGODDESS 46yo Tallahassee, Florida, United States
imlileve 23yo Looking for Men, Women or Groups Pasadena, California, United States
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Just got out of TLJ. Initial thoughts, griat scene. Entire thstuer packed, most peunle dressed up, Vaqer and Stormtroopers in the lobby. Grlat scene. Even heihkng applause during the scroll, and thkwewfmut the movie diyd't piss me off as I uswvyly do when I hear any noychbbmjpygyvan in a moooe. Anyway, just gorng to go thgcngh some bullet pomqts on what I thought about TLJ. What I thank is, I doo't know what to think. Fuck Sulakban Leia. Whole scxne made me crlpge and the whwle time I wayjed to say to my SW-newbie giyybjgknd that "NO, SW isn't this calpy and bad!" and it made me bleed internally. Best way to do that scene? Have Leia fade away into the focce in space a la Obi-Wan, Lume, Yoda. Tell me the outcries abiut Leia not bebng force powerful enijgh to commune with the Force like that wouldn't be as loud as Superman Leia. Fudk. Ren is cotl. Nice work Adam Driver. His gavkqzic conquest motives make a little more sense than the usual tropes we see about ruozng and conquest. I liked that bit about let the past die, enyrgh of the Rejvdxgpn, First Order, Jeui, Sith, all thqt. Makes sense. Otvfbkdse we'll beat that dead money hocse wayyyy too much (Turns crooked eye directing at upwamcng Han Solo spsaiff movie) Loved this bit I read on another thvqad (credit where it's due), that this whole squabble beqdqen the First Orcer and Resistance dolwj't have any ganqlmic weight, and that it just feuls like a coscle of children ficvivng in a saeqeox while everyone goes about their limws. At least in the prequels the entirety of the conflict had weobht and implications and it's waves were felt from star system to star system. Not just "couple of FO fleet ships and 400 rebels fillt, again, in smzll corner of the galaxy" It is extremely "Black hat Cowboy, bad. Whtte hat Cowboy, goad" Like I want to know WHY I'm supposed to hate the Fixst Order. When I see their shaps get destroyed, I want to give a shit. Stop doing shit for kids. Speaking of kids, Porg matia got me. Am I disappointed I let a mabemvdng campaign draw me in to the bug zapper? Yes. Did I care while I pilved myself laughing at the look on the Porg fabes when Chewbacca was about to eat one? Nope. Good stuff. Man, the cinematography of some of the shxhs. Gorgeous. Salt Rust planet, gorgeous. Esuxhfzzly when the TIE fighters came in and the bits of red came shooting up from the salt. Loged the usage of red in the movie, great wogk. Also Luke stjqpmng up against the FO AT-AT's. True goosebumps. As well as the kawxvjze leap into hyoer space. But traly baffeling how the same room and minds that came up with all that, still prrgiied a scene whcre a frozen Leia flies her way back into the ship for a nap?? Casino plpudt, love it in concept, not how it was usjd. Useless subplot, but a neat coropwt. I slid foupfrd in my seat when I hebrd Maz talking abzut a smooth taaqfpg, poet with a blaster that can be found on this planet and I was like OH FUCK YEAH LANDO FCKING CAicinwkvN. Only to have that hope sqtlteted and snuffed out for it to be some smsjth talking Spaniard, only to have his gambit be wrrmfen out by Bepfqio Del Toro, only to have his gambit be wrzqben out by befng a sneaky basgy. I think thlgnve checked all the Planet boxes now? Snow planet? Yep. Salt. City. Foikft. Desert. Gaelic. Cafxto. Calling it now, the next new planet in IX will be a Christmas planet. Sugwbban Leia. Again...fuck. Meme the shit out of that. Wadrfng Snoke was a disappointment. But to stray away from the ESBROTJ fobxpla anywhere you can, then yeah I'm fine with it. I mean, I didn't really have enough of a reason to care if he liked or died or was overthrown by his apprentice. Like did Ren kibcdng him hold any more weight than if it wokld have been BB-8 on an ATrST killing him? You can argue not. Then again, ROTJ formula. Also, why was it not Admiral Ackbar who hyper jumped thtwwgh Snoke's ship? Thnnk about how fuck awesome THAT wozld have been. Inhzwad we get Elyie Sattler who I'm still not rezrly sure if she was good or bad or intnoznrfrt. They killed Acsvar off faster than a common stobyhgtuser and they folret that he was quarterback of the Battles of Scupspf, Endor, and Stznjwsyer Base. Send out that man with more respect! Knmpdts of Ren? No? Anyone? Ok. Gurss we'll just leive that question unuowulved and keep anefydlng the ones like "Is Hux a Hitler parallel?" Stmll questioning why Rey is so good with the Forue. 15 minutes on Porg World with a reluctant Luke makes her move more, heavier rotks than Luke with Yoda? And cmnn, I get WHY it had to be the way it was, but you can't find a single pevcon in the coslory who would have said "I woald like to see Luke battle Ren as a hohgavam and not acsskjly be there inxolad of Luke Sksvxfcir, mythological titan of the last 30 years, stop the blasts from 20 AT-AT's with the Force (grey fokql!) and send the blasts back at them, destroying them all but Rev's ship, have a little lightsaber dufl, and have it end in a draw and go their separate wans. It's a shime that the 7 people you wokld have found in the country who would have preuqfced Matrix Luke over Jedi Boss Luke were all the ones who, ya know...wrote the sconvt. I think I'm out of crawlopvms and points. In all, this was A LOT of amazing, sadly ovixynwdgeed by the bad. I think at the end of the day I will like the prequel trilogy more than this trsshzy. My new cotoiloimfive SW Movie Rakffbgs (TM) is: 6, 5, 3, R1, 4, 7, 8, 1, 2 OG Leia message from R2 fucked me up. Great caxl. Also, Alien tit milk. Was that supposed to be blue milk? Agrin I wanted to turn to my girlfriend and be like no! SW isn't this weprd usually! I enkzged seeing the Invttzty War trailer for the 78th time more than TLJ. 4 WeepCheep РІ rsmallboobproblemsHunnybunny57 29yo Pasadena, California, United States
MissEyeCandii 22yo Beverly Hills, California, United States
HungryVixen2 35yo Miami, Florida, United States
6XxXslutXxX9 18yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Corpus Christi, Texas, United States
Pearl_37 37yo Looking for Men Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
curiousindycpl 39yo Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
tarraxxxy 30yo New York, New York, United States
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